Lethal temperature and salinity #################################### In Ichthyop, there is the possibility to define a range of temperature and salinity beyond which the particle is killed. Lethal temperature @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The functionning og the lethal temperature module depends on whether the growth module is enabled or not. Growth disabled +++++++++++++++++ lethal temperature can either be provided in a CSV file (``lethal_temp_file`` parameter), which provides the lower and upper temperature values that can be supported by the particle as a function of age (in hours). The file must have the following format: .. code:: bash Time(hour);Cold temperature (C);Warm temperature (C) 0;14;22 48;13;22 96;12;22 In this case, three age classes will be considered: :math:`[0, 48[`, :math:`[48, 96[` and :math:`[96, \infty[` If the ``lethal_temp_file`` parameter is not defined, single values will be used independently of the age. These values are provided in the ``cold_lethal_salinity_egg`` and ``warm_lethal_salinity_egg`` parameters. Note that the ``temperature_field`` parameter, providing the name of the temperature variable, must also be provided. .. index:: lethal_temp_file, temperature_field, lethal_temp_file, cold_lethal_salinity_egg, warm_lethal_salinity_egg Growth enabled +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If the growth module is enabled, two cold and warm lethal temperatures must be provided. One for eggs (``cold_lethal_temperature_egg`` and ``hot_lethal_temperature_egg``), one for larva (``cold_lethal_temperature_larva`` and ``hot_lethal_temperature_larva``). The stage (``egg`` or ``larva``) is determined by the growth module, and the right temperature range is applied to the particle. .. index:: cold_lethal_temperature_egg, hot_lethal_temperature_egg, cold_lethal_temperature_larva, hot_lethal_temperature_larva Lethal salinity @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Lethal salinity can either be provided in a CSV file (``lethal_salt_file`` parameter), which provides the lower and upper salinity values that can be supported by the particle as a function of age (in hours). The file must have the following format: .. code:: bash Time(hour);Fresh salinity (PSU);Salty salinity (PSU) 0;35;40 48;30;40 96;30;45 In this case, three age classes will be considered: :math:`[0, 48[`, :math:`[48, 96[` and :math:`[96, \infty[` If the ``lethal_salt_file`` parameter is not defined, single values will be used independently of the age. These values are provided in the ``fresh_lethal_salinity_egg`` and ``saline_lethal_salinity_egg`` parameters. Note that the ``salinity_field_`` parameter, providing the name of the salinity variable, must also be provided. .. index:: lethal_salt_file, salinity_field, fresh_lethal_salinity_egg, saline_lethal_salinity_egg