3.2. Lethal temperature and salinity

In Ichthyop, there is the possibility to define a range of temperature and salinity beyond which the particle is killed.

3.2.1. Lethal temperature

The functionning og the lethal temperature module depends on whether the growth module is enabled or not. Growth disabled

lethal temperature can either be provided in a CSV file (lethal_temp_file parameter), which provides the lower and upper temperature values that can be supported by the particle as a function of age (in hours). The file must have the following format:

Time(hour);Cold temperature (C);Warm temperature (C)

In this case, three age classes will be considered: \([0, 48[\), \([48, 96[\) and \([96, \infty[\)

If the lethal_temp_file parameter is not defined, single values will be used independently of the age. These values are provided in the cold_lethal_salinity_egg and warm_lethal_salinity_egg parameters.

Note that the temperature_field parameter, providing the name of the temperature variable, must also be provided. Growth enabled

If the growth module is enabled, two cold and warm lethal temperatures must be provided. One for eggs (cold_lethal_temperature_egg and hot_lethal_temperature_egg), one for larva (cold_lethal_temperature_larva and hot_lethal_temperature_larva).

The stage (egg or larva) is determined by the growth module, and the right temperature range is applied to the particle.

3.2.2. Lethal salinity

Lethal salinity can either be provided in a CSV file (lethal_salt_file parameter), which provides the lower and upper salinity values that can be supported by the particle as a function of age (in hours). The file must have the following format:

Time(hour);Fresh salinity (PSU);Salty salinity (PSU)

In this case, three age classes will be considered: \([0, 48[\), \([48, 96[\) and \([96, \infty[\)

If the lethal_salt_file parameter is not defined, single values will be used independently of the age. These values are provided in the fresh_lethal_salinity_egg and saline_lethal_salinity_egg parameters.

Note that the salinity_field_ parameter, providing the name of the salinity variable, must also be provided.